Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Question 1

What is the major theme of this novel?
Why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2007?

Every people in this world don’t have the equal amount of power. There is always a leader above all people, who controls the people. The people who are under control of the leader don’t always agree with their leaders. They have their own ideas of what is a utopia, and their own ideas about what the leader is doing right or wrong. When the leader loses his power by the disagreement of the majority that he cannot control, the power is transferred to another who has his own ideas of how to use the power for the society. However, this ideal plan, using the power the one has for the good of the society, leads to the downfall of the society. If the power is concentrated on a single individual or a small group, the power is eventually used for the benefit of that small group, not for the good of the society. The animals in the animal farm were first controlled by humans, but after the revolution, they were controlled by the pigs. Because the pigs were animals like they were, they trusted the pigs as their comrades. However, the pigs turned out to be worse than humans eventually. They were even harsher to the animals. At the end, all the animals worked for them, like they once did for the humans. I think the major theme of this novel is that the power ruins the person who has it. It pollutes the mind to think of the ways that will only benefit itself.
This theme is very important to teenagers living in 2007. We could learn what the power can do to a human’s mind. Therefore, we could avoid the bad situations such as power being too concentrated on a small group. This is a valuable lesson that teaches us how to construct our society. I think it also teaches us the shortcomings of the dictatorship and that how important the happiness of individual is. We shouldn’t let the power control us completely. There should always be democracy so that everyone’s opinion is appreciated.

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