Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Question 2

Are there any current situations in the world that relate to the novel?
What are they, and how do they relate?
Does the novel shed any light on how current situations could be resolved for "fixed"?

The dictatorship of North Korea relates to this novel. The president right before Kim Jung el (current president of North Korea), was Kim El sung, his father. Kim El sung first appeared in the capital of North Korea (Peong- yang) at 1945, October 14th. He was thirty-three at that time. He was involved in the independence movement against Japan, and went to the Soviet Union at 1940. He came with the Soviet army to North Korea. This is similar to what happened to the animal farm right after Mr. and Mrs. Jones left. When Korea was freed from Japan, like being freed from humans, Kim El sung came to control North Korea, like Napoleon controlling the farm. After the War against South Korea, Kim El sung became the president of North Korea. Like Napoleon, he eliminated all the people who were dangerous to him, or his political opponents. Right after the 6.25 War, he purged Park Han young, who led the 6.25 War with him. This relates to the elimination of Snowball, who was Napoleon’s biggest opponent. Napoleon accused Snowball of being Jones’s secret agent. Like this, Kim Jung el falsely accused Park Han young of being a spy of United States. One by one, every person who challenged his power was eliminated. Therefore, at 1958, Park Jung el’s power was even more strengthened. This relates to the elimination of innocent animals in the animal farm. When the animals confessed about their small crimes, they were all killed for leaguing themselves with Snowball. Later, all the important duties of North Korea were taken by the raiders who worked with him at the independence movement against Japan. I think this relates to the nine dogs that always swarm around Napoleon. They made it impossible for the other animals to object to Napoleon. Like this, the raiders who were high in ranks made it impossible for any dangerous opponent to stand against Kim El sung. To set up the fallen economy, Kim el sung used the labor of the citizens. He set goal amounts for the citizens to accomplish. Napoleon also used the labor of the other animals to make the farm bigger. At the time, Kim El sung was praised like Napoleon was. They were both said to be the great leaders. However, far from being great, they were both cruel. When Kim El sung died, he’s son Kim Jung el took over the country. The children learn about how great their leader Kim Jung el is when they’re little. They will grow up, knowing Kim Jung el as their great leader. They will never think about objecting to him.
The novel doesn’t shed any light on how current situations could be resolved or fixed. It ends with all the pigs becoming like humans. I think it is very hard for the current situations to be fixed. No animals even remember the time before Napoleon ruled them, so they won’t even no the reason to rebel. I think maybe if the animals who remember the time before Napoleon tell the other animals that they deserve better treatment, a better society can be made. They could start objecting to Napoleon, asking why they are mistreated. All the animals should cooperate together to achieve a happier life.

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