Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Question 4

What is the climax of this novel?
What happens?
How do the events of this novel make you feel?

The climax of this novel would be when the pigs start to walk on their hind legs. One evening, Clover first spotted Squealer on his hind legs. The other animals also saw this. A moment later, all the pigs came out of the farm house on their hind legs. Napoleon was also on his hind legs, holding a whip in his trotter. All the animals were terrified, and although they never complained, they really wanted to object to this. However, all the sheep that were trained by Squealer started to bleat “Four legs good, two legs better!”
After the bleating which carried on for five whole minutes, the pigs went in to the farm house and the moment to protest had passed.
Some the events of this novel make me feel angry towards the pigs. They don’t even appreciate the sacrifices the animals make for the farm. All they ever think about is the gain for them. When Boxer got ill after working so hard, they sent him to the slaughterhouse. After that, they lied to the other animals about Boxer happily passing away in a hospital. I felt pity for Boxer. He worked so hard for the growth of the animal farm. All he got for his hard work and sacrifices was a sorrowful death under a knife.
The events in this novel make feel both angry and pitiful. The animals being tortured and suffering makes me feel sad. They all have rights to be treated nicely. I really wanted the animals to protest against the pigs.

1 comment:

JESSICA* said...

Yoojung!! This is Jessica:)!! I really enjoyed reading your entry:) I said the climax of this story was when Napoleon first broke one of the seven commandments. But I like your idea, too! I was very angry when the pigs started to break rules:(!! Nicely done♥