Tuesday, March 20, 2007

8th Entry
Entry of your choice

I think this novel is full of symbolism and meanings. At first, I was confused with some character’s traits and what happened on the island. After I understood the inside meaning of novel, I was able to connect it with our life and society very easily.
At the beginning of a novel, there was a big war, and the plane that the boys were riding crashes on the island. I think this means that no matter how much the society is civilized, it can never escape the evil nature inside all humans. Our evil nature is always the reason for the downfall of our society.
The conch shell plays an important role in the novel. It is used to gather the boys and have an assembly. They meet at a certain place and decide things together for a better and civilized life. Therefore, I think the conch symbolizes the democratic power and civilization. However, as the story proceeds, the boys become violent and fall to savagery, and the power of the conch shell is lost. At the beginning, the shell was new and sharp, which indicated that the boys were trying to follow the order of the society and civilize. Later on, the conch shell is all worn out and the color is fading. I think this indicates the start of the savagery and loss of democratic power in the island. At last, the conch shell is shattered in to pieces, which means the lost of human’s civilizing instincts.
Another object that plays an important role in the novel is Piggy’s glasses. It symbolizes intelligence and science. It is also a main source that would help the boys to be rescued from the island. Piggy, who is the owner of the glasses, is the most rational and intelligent boy on the island. He represents democracy and civilizing instincts inside all humans. He represents the human’s instinct of trying to follow rules and rejecting evil. However, his glasses slowly destroyed through out the story. This indicates the downfall of civilization and the rational thinking. First, one of the lenses is broken. Then, the glass is stolen by the Jack’s tribe or the savagery on the island. Ralph and Piggy tried to get it back, but they fail in doing so. Here, Piggy dies, which means the demise of human’s civilizing instincts. Also, the glass is taken away from Ralph, leaving him hopeless with despair.
Signal fire’s purpose is to catch a ship passing by and get rescued from the island. Therefore, it is the boys’ only connection with the civilized society. When the fire is low, their connection with the civilized society is weak and it indicates that they don’t care a lot bout being rescued. When the fire is going on well, it indicates that their desire to be rescued and go back to civilized society is desperate. At these times, their connection with the civilized society was very strong. However, as savagery takes over the island, their desire to go back to the civilized world is weak, and the signal fire is completely out.
The Beast in the island is an imaginary creature created by boys’ fears. As savagery takes place on the island, the belief about the beast grows stronger and stronger. This is because the beast also stands for savagery, violence, and fear. The boys become more and more frightened about the beast, and the beast’s existence seems to become more real. Simon is the only one who realizes that the beast is the fear inside each of them, which is why they all think of beast as different forms (snake, water monster…). However, Simon is killed by the beast itself, or the fear and evil inside all of the boys.
The Lord of the Flies is physically a sow’s head on a stick. It is actually the evil nature inside all humans. This is the reason why the boys turned in to savagery. Lord of the Flies connects greatly to the Beast, which is the fear inside all humans.

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