Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Question 3

3rd Entry
Who are the main characters in the novel? Do you like them? Why or why not? What is special about them? What do they reveal about the universal human experience?

The major character in this novel is Ralph, Jack, Piggy, and Simon. They all represent different things in the novel.
Ralph is the protagonist of this novel. He was chosen as the chief at the begging, but gradually, he loses authority over the society. After he becomes completely against Jack, his rules and orders become useless. He respects rules and restrictions, and knows the purpose of them. He represents civilizing nature in all humans, choosing to live peacefully, obeying all the rules. It is shown clearly in the novel that no matter how much he tries to emphasize the importance of rules, he can never win the evil side. Because he refuses the evil and savagery, he is constantly having conflicts with Jack.
Jack is the antagonist of this novel. He doesn’t respect rules and orders, and he represents the savagery side of humans. Because Ralph keeps emphasizing him about the importance of rules, Jack becomes more violent and rejects against the rules strongly. He thinks that civilizing and creating peace and harmony in the society is not important. He is violent, and wants to rule over everybody with violence and force. Because he didn’t want to be in part of the society where people have to obey rules, he created a tribe of his own and became as violent and wild as he wanted. As the story goes on, he becomes more barbaric and violent.
Piggy is the main follower of Ralph. He represents democracy and civilizing instincts that the humans have. Although they are on a wild, inhabited island, he clings on to the rules and the orders. Rather than wanting to disobey the restrictions that the adults make, he respects them and wants the society to also obey the rules. He is intelligent and has the ability to think logically. He is also rational and knows what he is doing. However, he lacks the ability to socialize with the other people. Because of his intelligence and the respect for the rules, he is usually treated as an outcast in the island. Is logics and rational thinking is sometimes laughed at.
Although Simon seems to have a little role in the novel, he is a very important character. Because of the pure goodness inside him, he is the first and the last one to find out what is really the beast in the island. He faces evil nature of humans, face to face in his mind. He is the only one to realize that the horrors and the terrible things on the island are resulted by the evil side inside them. At the end, he is killed because he tried to tell the other people about what really was the beast in the island.
My favorite character in this novel was piggy. I like him because he stands up for what he believe is right. He rejects all evil, and wants harmony and peace. He knows that the orders and rules are not made for them to suffer; they were made for them to help them to create peaceful society and also help them to escape from the island. He knows this by heart, and he keeps encouraging Ralph into believing what is right. Because of him, Ralph didn’t give up his hopes of creating a peaceful society. He seems to tell the readers that you should never give up on what you believe is right. If you are forced to do something that you believe is wrong, you should stand up boldly and speak what is right, even when there are few or nobody agreeing with you.

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