Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Question 5

5th Entry
What is the mood of this novel? What happens? How do the events of this novel make you feel?

The mood of this novel is dark and tragic. However, at the very beginning, it seemed so bright and cheerful. I could just picture the paradise where there are no adults to nag you and every thing is perfect. Also, the boys seemed to start off well. They had many plans and made rules to live like a civilized people. They cooperated and helped each other. They were certain that they were going to be rescued. Most of all, they really wanted to be rescued and cared a lot about it. They seemed to know the importance of the rules and the orders of the society. However, the rules were never followed, and the civilized society they were planning on making came to pieces. The boys started to ignore the rules and lived a savagery life. They killed two boys, Simon and Piggy, and they even plan to kill Ralph, who became the only person in the island who wants civilized life due to the death of his companions. First, I thought that this was impossible. How can small boys be so cruel and violent? This must be because it’s only a story. Then, I began to think, “Isn’t this what is currently happening in our world?” And I realized that nothing was different, except that we were on bigger scenery. There is war still happening around us, and people are killing each other with dangerous weapons. When I thought of this, I felt shame and anger at the same time. Why can’t we just eliminate the evil side inside us? Why do we choose to hurt and kill each other? We are no better than the boys on this island. I felt that the world with absolutely no war and violence would never come to us; or that we will never let it come to us.

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